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Bo’lajak o’qituvchilarni art pedagogika asosida kasbiy faoliyatga tayyorlash pedagogik muammo sifatida | FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI

Опубликован 2022-03-26

Bo’lajak o’qituvchilarni art pedagogika asosida kasbiy faoliyatga tayyorlash pedagogik muammo sifatida


Oliy ma’lumot olgan bitiruvchilarning hammasi ham talabga javob berayaptimi? Bo’lajak kadrlarda, ayniqsa, bo’lajak o’qituvchilarda kasbiy tayyorgarlik mukammal darajada shakllanganmi degan savol atroflicha o’rganilishi lozim bo’lgan masala sanaladi.

Как цитировать

Zubaydullayev, O. (2022). Bo’lajak o’qituvchilarni art pedagogika asosida kasbiy faoliyatga tayyorlash pedagogik muammo sifatida. FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI, 8(8). извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

Zumrad, U., & Alimov, A. (2020). Problems of the Development of Tourism and Recreational Services in Uzbekistan in the Context of a Global Pandemic. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 13(4), 815-821.

Усманова, З. (2016). Особенности регионального развития туристическо-рекреационных услуг в Узбекистане. Экономика и предпринимательство, (3-1), 393-395.

Islamovna, U. Z., & Toirxonovna, A. M. (2020). Development of the tourism and recreation complex as an effective lever for the restoration of the tourism sector in Uzbekistan after the pandemic. Solid State Technology, 63(4), 5193-5206.

Islamovna, U. Z. (2021). Prospects for the development of the tourist and recreation complex as an effective lever for the restoration of the tourist industry in Uzbekistan after the pandemic. Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research, 2(05), 408-421.

Islamovna, U. Z. (2021). The Role of the Tourist and Recreation Complex in the Strategy of Development of the Tourist Industry of Uzbekistan. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 6, 119-132.

Zumrad, U., & Alimov, A. (2020). Problems of the Development of Tourism and Recreational Services in Uzbekistan in the Context of a Global Pandemic. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 13(4), 815-821.

Zumrad, U., & Alimov, A. (2020). Problems of the Development of Tourism and Recreational Services in Uzbekistan in the Context


O'ktam Zubaydullayev


Ключевые слова:

tanqidiy fikrlash, axborotni mustaqil izlash, ustuvor yo’nalishlar, ta’lim, tarbiya, texnologiya, art-pedagogika, tizimlilik, yondoshuv.


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