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Требования к списку литературы | Журнал истории и общества

Требования к списку литературы

Requirements for materials accepted for the journal

5.1 Articles are accepted that correspond to the subject of the journal and meet the following requirements; the submitted materials should be important, scientific and practical and innovative. Articles submitted to the editorial office will be reviewed and edited in the presence of positive conclusions. Editors can make changes and abbreviations that do not affect the fundamental issues of the manuscript.

5.2 An article sent to the author for correction should be returned in an edited form as soon as possible. Articles of undergraduates and students can be accepted for publication on the basis of a positive review of a doctor of science or candidate of science.

5.3 The total number of authors of an article should not exceed three authors. Information about the author must include: surname, name, patronymic of the author; Academic degree; academic title; position; the name of the organization in which the author works; organization address; contact phone number (with city code); Email address. The address of the organization is indicated in the sequence: postal code, country, city, street, house.

5.4 Materials will be sent to the editorial office by e-mail. Publication requests include the following files:

1) information about the authors in Uzbek, Russian and English;

3) keywords in Uzbek, Russian and English (8-10 words);

4) abstract in Uzbek, Russian and English (150-200 words);

5) the title of the article in Uzbek, Russian and English;

6) the text of the article;

7) Bibliography in English.

5.5 Requirements for the manuscript format:

The volume of the article ranges from 35,000 to 50,000 characters with spaces, excluding the list of references;

The text should be written in Times New Roman font, line spacing 1.15, size 14;

All pages of the manuscript should be numbered, each table and figure has a title, which should be in Uzbek, Russian and English;

Graphic elements (pictures, diagrams) should be presented in the format intended and edited for black and white copying.

5.6 Requirements for the list of sources:

In text links to literature, the name of the author (s) is indicated in brackets, page [Avazov, 2017, p. 23]. When referring to several sources simultaneously [Avazov, 2017, p. 23; Buchanan, 2010, p. 37]. If the number of authors is from one to three, the authors are listed in the link separated by commas, if more, it is indicated [Avazov et al., 2017, p. 23]. Capital letters are used to denote authors with the same surname; for works by one author published in the same year - for example, the designation of the Latin letter [Tambovtsev, 2017a, 2017b]. If the names of the named authors are included in the proposal, only the year and page may be indicated in square brackets: А.А. Avazov [2017, p. 23] declares that ...

5.7 Example article format

Requirements for articles (doc)

Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the authors.

  1. Obligations of the Publisher

6.1 The Publisher must follow principles and procedures to facilitate the conduct of ethical obligations by Editors, Reviewers and Authors in accordance with these requirements. The publisher must be confident that the potential advertising revenue does not influence the Editors' decisions.

6.2. The Publisher should support the Journal Editors in addressing ethical complaints about the published material and help interact with other journals and / or Publishers if this contributes to the Editors' duties.

6.3. The publisher should promote good research practice and implement industry standards to improve ethical guidelines, retirement procedures and error correction.

6.4 The publisher should provide appropriate specialized legal support (opinion or advice) if necessary.

Journal's policy on publishing personal data

In order to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of authors when processing their personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets, the editorial board of the journal notifies the author that:

  1. If the article is accepted for publication, the journal automatically publishes the following personal data specified by the author when registering the work in accordance with the journal's requirements:

- surname, name and patronymic;

- position, organization represented by the author, address of this organization;

- academic degree and academic title;

- Email;

- work phone number;


In addition, to organize the work, the editorial office also requests the author's contact (mobile) telephone number, which is not subject to publication.

The author independently decides on the provision of his personal data. Consent to the publication of personal data is formalized in the form of clause 2. of the author's agreement (public offer) on the transfer of the right to use a scientific work free of charge when filing an application for publication. The application applies to one article. For subsequent publications, the author's consent is requested again.

Journal's policy on publishing personal data

In order to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of authors when processing their personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets, the editorial board of the journal notifies the author that:

  1. If the article is accepted for publication, the journal automatically publishes the following personal data specified by the author when registering the work in accordance with the journal's requirements:

- surname, name and patronymic;

- position, organization represented by the author, address of this organization;

- academic degree and academic title;

- Email;

- work phone number;


In addition, to organize the work, the editorial office also requests the author's contact (mobile) telephone number, which is not subject to publication.

The author independently decides on the provision of his personal data. Consent to the publication of personal data is formalized in the form of clause 2. of the author's agreement (public offer) on the transfer of the right to use a scientific work free of charge when filing an application for publication. The application applies to one article. For subsequent publications, the author's consent is requested again.

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