Ushbu maqolada umumta’lim maktablarida jismoniy tarbiya darsida harakatli o’yinlar qo’llash va tashkil qilish usullari, jismoniy tarbiya darslarida tayyorlov, asosiy, yakuniy qismiga mos holda o’yinlarni tanlash va tashkil qilish, o’quvchi yoshlar o’rtasida harakatli o’yinlarni o’rgatish haqida nazariy-pedagogik asoslarini yoritib berilgan.
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Библиографические ссылки
Xaydarov, I. (2021). O‟QUVCHILARINING JISMONIY SIFATLARINI TARBIYALASH VA CHINIQTIRISH USULLARI. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 3(3). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/2772
Xaydarov, I. (2021). “O’QUVCHI YOSHLAR SOG’LOM TURMUSH TARZINI SHAKILLANTIRISHDA SPORT MASHQLARINI O’RNI”. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 3(3). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/2771
Xaydarov, I. (2021). TALABA HAYOTIDAGI JISMONIY TARBIYA: TALABA HAYOTIDAGI JISMONIY TARBIYA. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 4(4). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/2769
Xaydarov, I. (2021). ҲАРАКАТЛИ ЎЙИНЛАР ОРҚАЛИ ЁШ АВЛОДНИ ЖИСМОНИЙ ТАЙЁРГАРЛИГИНИ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШ. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4119
Xaydarov, I. (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students : Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students . Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4493
Xaydarov, I. (2022). YOSH GIMNASTIKACHILARDA MAXSUS-HARAKAT TAYYORGARLIGI KO‘RSATKICHLARINING DARAJASINI ANIQLASH. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4756
Xaydarov, I. (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students : Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students . Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4493
Xaydarov, I. (2022). Zamonaviy voleybol o’yinida sakrovchanlikni rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi.: Zamonaviy voleybol o’yinida sakrovchanlikni rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4992
o’g’li, N. E. Z. ., & o’g’li, X. I. S. . (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students. Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT, 1(12), 64–66. Retrieved from https://literature.academicjournal.io/index.php/literature/article/view/169
CREATING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOR STUDENTS AT A YOUNG AGE | Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal (academiascience.org)
Ilhom Xaydarov
Ключевые слова:
Jismoniy madaniyat, jismoniy sifatlar, harakatli o’yinlar, jismoniy tarbiya, maxsus mashqlar.Выпуск
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