This article presents a reflective case study analysis of an
attempt to enhance student learning through the introduction of student-centred
teaching methods in a masters-level social research methods subject. The
introduction of a range of specific techniques, including case study teaching,
problem based learning, group-work, role-play and simulation, is reflected upon.
The article concludes that the re-orientation of the curriculum toward student
centeredness in this case had a positive effect on student performance, learning
experience and subject evaluation. In particular, the use of student-centred
techniques facilitated a strong social context for learning, and provided students
with a common experiential framework from which to explore the technical aspects
of the curriculum. However, the analysis also found that students continued to
place value on more formal teaching methods, and that the value of student-centred
techniques in this case rested in the way in which they were integrated with more
didactic teaching practice.
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Библиографические ссылки
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Mushtariy Ismoilova
Ключевые слова:
research methods; student-centred learning; small group teachingВыпуск
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